Caddy Corner
Past Issue
About Caddy Corner
One of the great perks of joining the RRR is that you’ll receive our fantastic newsletter, Caddy Corner. Our illustrious editor, Jay Raskin , create a fabulous issue that is always filled with articles of our events, our calendar, Cadillac news and more! Produced every month, our newsletter, alone, is worth the annual dues !
Have you ever considered writing an article for an upcoming issue? Articles don’t have to be long – a few paragraphs is fine. Ray will certainly help with the editing and “word-smithing”, too! Articles can be about any Cadillac or LaSalle related topic….for example:
- The acquisition and/or restoration of your car.
- A technical article
- A maintenance article (engine detailing, leather or vinyl care).
- Your significant other’s perspective of this crazy hobby.
- A summary or commentary of an RRR event you attended.
- News about modern Cadillacs.