Pat Caruso

The Raritan River Region website is dedicated to the memory of its founder, designer and first webmaster, Pat Caruso.

In early 2003, Pat developed this website. Its innovative design and ease of navigation soon made it the benchmark for other regions of the Cadillac LaSalle Club and other car clubs as well. In that same year, Pat was awarded the very first Web Site Excellence Award by the Cadillac LaSalle Club. He earned this award while our region was still operating under provisional (probationary) status. He was again honored with this award in 2006. For many years, because of his talent and expertise, Pat was called upon by fellow regions for advice on how they could begin their websites. To his extreme credit and despite a heavy workload from both his job and his region work, he never refused a request for help.

Over the years, only minor tweaks and additions were needed to be made which stands as testimony to the long lasting value and innovation of his original design.

All future region webmasters and our region itself will follow in Pat’s tradition of quality, innovation and timeliness. This website will stand as he originally intended, to serve as a vital communications link to our membership and by doing so will honor the memory of its founder, Pat Caruso.

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